If divorce is an option in your marriage, you’ll get divorced.

I heard this once. Seemed pretty profound at the time. I mean why make a statement like this? Is it true? Normally I think options in life are good. So how could this option be bad. You don’t have to choose it. It’s just there, right?


Marriage is wonderful. It’s great finding the one person in the entire world you want, and have chosen, to spend the rest of your life with. You have found what many desire and dream of. Well, that’s true of course, but it’s also true that sometime during in your marriage you will have difficulties. Now, while everything is rosy the statement “if divorce is an option in your marriage, you’ll get divorced” seems a little like, so what? But, when there is a time in your marriage that the rose seems wilted and the pedals are falling of, then it’s a different story. Then, “if divorce is an option in your marriage, you’ll get divorced” will have new meaning. It can take a life of it’s own and a mantra that can help you dig deeper….( Deeper then that! go deeper) to keep your marriage together.

It’s that knowledge…. it’s that commitment that might just carry you though to even better times. In fact the best times……

… with your spouse.

Marriages – 50% end in divorce

Do you have a coin? Heads or tails?

“How can that be”, you ask?

Simple really, around 2 million people get married in the US every year. Unfortunately, here is the bad news, over a million people get divorced. Pretty sad state of affairs, but the stats get even more interesting for second and third marriages. The divorce rate for second marriages are over 60% and 70% for third marriages. I don’t think they have any statistics for fourth marriages, but if they did it would a palm to the forehead and shaking your head left to right. So, what does this tell us? Well, if we didn’t get it right the first time, the odds aren’t in our favor going forward. So, what do we learn from this. Well, maybe, just maybe, it might make more sense to work at your first marriage then try look for a better answer in your second.

Just a thought…. but it’s a thought shared by many professionals. You know, the people that have seen and heard it all.

Marriage is a special relationship

Most of us are affected by marriage in some way.

Whether you dream of marriage, are in a marriage, never want to be in a marriage, been divorced, a child of divorce, or plan on being married, it is a part of us and our culture. One thing most can agree on, that even if marriage isn’t for you, it is an institution. It is a special entity that should be honored and respected.

We believe that with the divorce rate in the US at over 50%, enough is enough….

We want to make a change.

We want to help those that still have love in their marriage stay married.

In marriages that can’t or shouldn’t be saved we want to take control away from the system and create some compassion and dignity to the process and for the couple involved.

We hope you agree with us.

We hope you support us.

We hope you join us.