If divorce is an option in your marriage, you’ll get divorced.

I heard this once. Seemed pretty profound at the time. I mean why make a statement like this? Is it true? Normally I think options in life are good. So how could this option be bad. You don’t have to choose it. It’s just there, right?


Marriage is wonderful. It’s great finding the one person in the entire world you want, and have chosen, to spend the rest of your life with. You have found what many desire and dream of. Well, that’s true of course, but it’s also true that sometime during in your marriage you will have difficulties. Now, while everything is rosy the statement “if divorce is an option in your marriage, you’ll get divorced” seems a little like, so what? But, when there is a time in your marriage that the rose seems wilted and the pedals are falling of, then it’s a different story. Then, “if divorce is an option in your marriage, you’ll get divorced” will have new meaning. It can take a life of it’s own and a mantra that can help you dig deeper….( Deeper then that! go deeper) to keep your marriage together.

It’s that knowledge…. it’s that commitment that might just carry you though to even better times. In fact the best times……

… with your spouse.